Monday, February 18, 2013

Date Safe Project: Tips For Parents with Dating Teens

Mike Domitrz is the author of Help! My Teen Is Dating and May I Kiss You? These books are written to help parents and teens with the tough topic of dating and relationships in a society where the media is constantly sending mixed messages about what love is and what responsibilities come along with being in a relationship. 

Since Valentine's Day, a day we celebrate love and relationships, has just passed us by, I thought I'd share a short (3 min) video that I received via email recently. This video is a clip from Shine Network's parenting show called "Away We Grow". It features some common questions many parents have voiced about talking to their teens about love and relationships and how to help your teen(s) learn how to respect themselves and their own boundaries as well as the boundaries of those they date. 

To help keep your teens safe in their dating experiences, it is important to talk to them about love, respect and relationships so that they know what healthy and unhealthy relationships look like. I hope you will take these 3 min. to watch this brief video and consider having a conversation with your teens on this important issue. 

Video can be found at:

For a free downloadable copy of Mike Domitrz's book May I Kiss You? visit: 
To purchase a copy of this book or others available visit:

And for more information and tips on talking to your teen about relationships, love and respect visit: 

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