Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Monkey See, Monkey Do??? Helping Our Kids Develop Healthy Coping Skills

We are all familiar with the phrase "Monkey see, monkey do", but most of the time we use it when referring to the cute things our kids do. Like caring for their dolls the way they see their mom's caring for their younger sisters and brothers, or pretending to fix something like the way they see their dad's fix something. However, have you ever stopped and thought about this phrase in more depth? How does this phrase ring true in regard to kids witnessing the way adults in their lives respond to stress and struggles in their lives?

When adults respond to such things in negative ways, such as yelling, losing their tempers, hitting/throwing things or other people, calling others names, swearing, etc. our kids begin to recognize these responses as normal ways to deal with their own stress and the conflicts they experience in their own lives. This, then, often leads to the bullying behaviors that occur with their friends and classmates at school, on the playground, on the bus, etc. And, as studies indicate, kids who bully are much more likely to struggle academically, use drugs or alcohol, vandalize property, and (in the long run) are at higher risk of ending up in prison by the age of 24.

To help our kids develop into young adults who are able to respond to common issues that arise in their everyday lives in positive and healthy ways, and to protect them from becoming one of the statistics mentioned above, we need to model the behaviors we want them to exhibit. We need to give them good examples of how to practice patience, anger management, stress management and to control impulses that have the potential to get them into trouble.

The article found at the link below provides more on this issue. Although it focuses on stress related to the economic struggles many are facing, it can relate to all situations and/or events that can cause stress in the lives of adults and their families. I hope you will take a few minutes to check it out.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Date Safe Project: Tips For Parents with Dating Teens

Mike Domitrz is the author of Help! My Teen Is Dating and May I Kiss You? These books are written to help parents and teens with the tough topic of dating and relationships in a society where the media is constantly sending mixed messages about what love is and what responsibilities come along with being in a relationship. 

Since Valentine's Day, a day we celebrate love and relationships, has just passed us by, I thought I'd share a short (3 min) video that I received via email recently. This video is a clip from Shine Network's parenting show called "Away We Grow". It features some common questions many parents have voiced about talking to their teens about love and relationships and how to help your teen(s) learn how to respect themselves and their own boundaries as well as the boundaries of those they date. 

To help keep your teens safe in their dating experiences, it is important to talk to them about love, respect and relationships so that they know what healthy and unhealthy relationships look like. I hope you will take these 3 min. to watch this brief video and consider having a conversation with your teens on this important issue. 

Video can be found at:

For a free downloadable copy of Mike Domitrz's book May I Kiss You? visit: 
To purchase a copy of this book or others available visit:

And for more information and tips on talking to your teen about relationships, love and respect visit: 

VCSU & Dakota College's Bridges Program Opens Doors to Education

The Bridges Program
Students are encouraged to apply to the Bridges Program when they do not meet the admission requirements to be admitted into Valley City State University. Students become DCB students located on the VCSU campus! The program is in its third year and has been gaining popularity. We want to share with your students how the Bridges Program option can fit into their college plans. An excellent way to find out more about our program is by visiting our new website . The website provides information on how to schedule a campus visit, contains details about the Bridges program, and provides our contact information. Bridges students can fully participate in VCSU’s student life including:
·         Living in one of VCSU’s residence halls (including two modern resident halls with suites, air conditioning and private bathrooms).
·         Enjoying VCSU’s dinning services.
·         Attending VCSU Campus Activities.
·         Participate in one of VCSU’s many clubs, intramurals, and organizations (excluding varsity athletics).
·         New laptop computers-Fall 2013.

Two-Year Programs
Dakota College also offers a number of 2-year programs on the VCSU campus. These programs include:

Medical Assistant: Medical Assistant are multi-skilled professionals who work in health care settings and preform administrative and clinical procedures.
Nursing: Practical Nursing (PN); Associate Degree Nursing (AND);
Cargiver Services (child and adult): The child option focuses on services for children and the adult option focuses on services for the elderly and disabled.
Paraeducation (early childhood and K-12):  Paraeducators are employed as teacher assistants in early childhood, special education, elementary and secondary schools.
Associate of Science and Associate of Arts (transfer degree): These two degree options are for students who want to take their generals in a smaller setting and then transfer to a larger school of their choice.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

North Dakota Farm Bureau Scholarships

North Dakota Farm Bureau offers 4 scholarship opportunities. The Becki Palmer scholarship is open to high school seniors and the application can be found by visiting

Also available are 2 scholarships for college age students and 1 scholarship for master's or doctoral students. These applications can also be found at the link listed above.

Deadline for all 4 scholarships is April 15th.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

February Scholarships

North Dakota Crop Improvement & Seed Association 
The NDCISA sponsors six (6) $1000 scholarships to the NDSU College of Agriculture each year. Three of them go to incoming freshmen and the other three to undergraduates. Deadline is February 15.

AXA Community Scholarship Program
Every AXA Advisors' branch office nationwide distributes up to twelve $2,000 scholarships to high school seniors who live and attend high school in their area. Deadline is February 15th.

Dakota Valley Electric Cooperative
One $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to a high school senior who lives in the Dakota Valley service area. Deadline is February 15th.

DAR (Daughters of the Amer. Revolution) Scholarship Program
The DAR Good Citizens program and scholarship contest is intended to encourage and reward the qualities of good citizenship. The program is open to all senior class students enrolled in accredited public or private secondary schools. Deadline is February 15th.

Dickey Rural Networks Scholarships
Dickey Rural Networks will award eleven $500 scholarships to rural high school seniors who reside within DRN’s service territory. One winner will be selected from each high school within DRN’s service territory. Deadline is February 15th.

Best Buy Scholarship
1,100 students will each receive a $1,000 scholarship. Any 9-12 grade student who plans to attend post-secondary education, has solid grades and involved in community service or has work experience are encouraged to apply. Deadline is February 15th.

CHEVY Scholars Program
Two students from western North Dakota will each be awarded a $5,000 scholarship to help them pursue their dreams. Nominate your scholar for the 2013 Chevy Scholar program, now - February 20th. Nomination forms are due by NOON on Wednesday February 20th to your local West Dakota Chevy Dealer.

Valley City Aerie 2192 Fraternal Order of Eagles
Two opportunities are available through this organization. First there is a scholarship available which is open to students regardless of having any affiliation with the Eagles. Second is a scholarship open to girls who are willing to represent Aerie 2192 as 'Miss Eagles Aerie 2192 2013'. Ask Ms. H. for an application or go to website and type the Aerie number into the Aerie locator. February 28th Deadline.

Buick Achievers Scholarship Program
Open to high school seniors and current undergraduate students. High school seniors must be planning to enroll full time at a 4-year college or university for the upcoming academic year. Major should be in one of the following areas: engineering, technology, design or business, with an interest in the automotive industry. February 28th Deadline.

All these scholarships can be accessed through my pinterest account as well. You can access this at