Monday, April 2, 2012

You Can Make a Difference!

With prom, graduation, and summer activities right around the corner, it's time to start thinking about keeping our children and students safe. With celebrations pending, it's important that we make sure to have discussions with our kids about making smart and healthy decisions. The dangers of underage drinking and/or driving under the influence (or distracted driving) need to be made clear, helping to reduce the risk of accidents that could cause serious injuries, possibly even death. There is no better way to dampen the joy and excitement of a celebration than to know someone is no longer here to share in the festivities. Please help prevent a to your kids today!

Take a Closer Look. Find more information about the effects alcohol abusehas on our children, teens, families, and communities.

It is time to take action…We can make a difference!

Þ Model healthy behaviors
Þ Be involved
Þ Talk often
Þ Laugh loudly

Parents lead
Parents are the #1 influence in a child’s life!
Having ongoing conversations with your children is an effective way to prevent underage drinking.
Visit for information on how to start the conversation at any age! Sign up for monthly e-mails based on your child’s age, ask Dr. Query a question, follow the blog, take the parenting style quiz, browse the resources, and follow us on Facebook.
Listen to...your child’s questions and interests without interruption; who their friends and their friend's parents are; what pressures they are feeling
Educate about...consequences of underage drinking (both legal and your own family rules); what your expectations are by communicating to them and by being a role model
Ask...what they are doing; where they are going; who they are going with
Discuss...your values; how to handle peer pressure; how proud you are of their good decisions

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