Sunday, May 8, 2011

8th Grade & Junior Parents:

The parent night presentations that were held recently provided much valuable information about the upcoming experiences your student(s) will encounter. Packets of information were provided to parents who were in attendance.

I will be visiting with the 8th grade class about the many important things they will want to be thinking about as they enter the 9th grade and will give packets to those students whose parents were unable to attend. Please check with your teen about the packets.

Likewise, I will be visiting with Juniors and will give them some resources that will assist them with their college search and will provide the packets to those students whose parents were unable to attend the parent night. Please check with your student about the packet as there is much information on how you can assist your upcoming senior in the process of post-secondary planning.

If you have any questions, at any time, please do not hesitate to contact me!