Sunday, March 27, 2011

Cyber Safety Date Finalized!

We have finally set a date for our Cyber Safety Awareness Week! This event will help raise the awareness of the dangers the Cyber World posses for today’s teens. The event will also provide them information on what they can do to protect themselves from such dangers. If able, parents and community members are  welcome and greatly encouraged to attend the presentation which will take place Monday, April 4th starting at 12:30 in the gymnasium.

Here are a few things students can expect during the week:

Ø  Presentations by Dickey Rural Network & Dakota Central Communications (Elementary in a.m.; 7-12 in p.m.)
Ø  Breakout sessions: each focusing on a specific safety issue
Ø  Class “Cyber-Wise” competition: Q&A’s in core classes throughout the week based on facts and statistics
displayed around the school

Issues of focus will be on texting while driving & sexting (7-12 only) cyber bullying, online predators, online reputation, & ID theft.

A “Contract For Life” can be found at . Please consider using this with your teen driver(s) to help them make a commitment to making safe and healthy driving decisions.  

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Student Loan Repayment Plans

For students interested in automotive or diesel technology there are two Student Loan Repayment Plans available for you to consider.

CARS (sponsored by the Automobile Dealers Association of ND) & PLOW (sponsored by the ND Implement Dealers Association) are both available for students who graduate from an appropriate technical program, and who become employed by an automobile dealer who participates with one of these programs.

The information below applies to both the CARS & the PLOW programs:
  • Student meets with a participating dealer to discuss potential job opportunities.
  • Dealer discusses with the student the type of education that would be most appropriate for the position being sought by the student.
  • Student enrolls in school and begins an appropriate course of study. The student is responsible for acquiring adequate funding.
  • Upon graduation the student can apply for employment with participating dealerships. if the student is hired by a participating dealership, the student may be entitled to participate in the CARS or PLOW student loan repayment programs. If the student remains employed by the employer for the first five years the employer will make $150 payments on the student loan, and if employment is continued-in years 6-10-the employer will make $2500 yearly payments on the student loan.
For brochures, a list of participating dealerships or additional information please contact Matthew C. Larsgaard at: 1-800-752-5591 or, or visit the following websites:

Matching Scholarships ($1000) are also available for students in auto and diesel tech as well as any major that would be relevant to a dealership. Contact Matthew for information on this as well.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Scholarship Scams

Another scam has been brought to my attention...I believe it has been coming through email and it seems that the main target is parents of juniors. The message asks for $60 to provide scholarship information. Regardless of the is very important for you to know that you should NEVER pay anything to get scholarship information or scholarship money (in other words, never pay money to get money). This is a pretty good sign of a scam. Another sign of a scam is when they "guarantee" that you will receive scholarship money. Please be careful...there are many scams floating around. If you ever question it, please contact me before providing any personal information or making a payment!

Friday, March 18, 2011

US Naval Academy Summer Programs for Middle & High School Students

US Naval Academy Summer Seminar
This program is a fast-paced, six-day experience for high school achievers who have completed their junior year of high school. This is an opportunity to learn about life at the naval Academy. This is great  for students who think they might be intereseted in pusuing a military career with any of the nation's service academies.

Tuition to attend is approx. $400 which pays for room & board, as well as a variety of materials plus a little spending cash for snacks and souveniers. Student is also repsonsible for arranging and paying the cost of transportation to and from the Naval Academy.

Last day to apply is March 31st. For more information and to apply online, go to:

Naval Academy Summer STEM Program (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics)
This is a program for rising 8th-11th graders and offers an opportunity to learn more about STEM careers. Students must demonstrate superior academic performance including GPA, class standing, and/or strong PSAT, SAT or ACT results. Selection is based largely on ensuring geographical representation (students from all 50 states). All applicants will be notified of their status by early May.

All STEM participants will receive a full scholarship to attend the program which includes room & board, meals, as well as a variety of materials. Participants should bring extra cash for snacks and souvenirs, and are responsible for arranging and paying for transportation to and from the Naval Academy.

Grade level dates are as follows:
June 6-11-----8th & 9th (current 7th & 8th graders)
June 13-16---10th (current 9th graders)
June 20-25---11th (current 10th graders)

Last day to apply is April 14th. For more information and to apply online, go to:

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Youth Conservation Corps Summer Employment Opportunity

The Valley City National Fish Hatchery will be hiring one Youth Conservation Corps worker (enrollee) for summer 2011. Enrollee will work up to 8 weeks (320 total hours) throughout the summer and schedule will be negotiated to accommodate vacations and school/sports activities. Wage will be $7.25 per hour.

Duties include: cleaning pond kettles, grass/weed trimming around pond kettles and valves, lawn care, trail maintenance and janitorial duties. Enrollee will also provide assistance with fish culture activities: fingerling harvest, and daily feeding and cleaning of tanks.

Requirements are:
1.) Must be at least 15 years of age prior to start of program and not have reached 19 years of age by July 29, 2011.
2.) A permanent resident of the United States.
3.) Have or have applied for a social security card before the first working day of the YCC program.

Applications must be received by close of business, Tuesday, April 12, 2011. The selection process will be conducted by a random method on Wednesday, April 13th at the hatchery. Selected applicants will be notified by mail and/or phone, if selected.

If interested contact me for an application or call (701) 845-3464.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Respect Is Popping Up Competition Update

The 1st-3rd competion is moving along very quickly! All three classes are in the race toward the finish (all with at least one slip under the "R" of popcorn)...though I do believe the 1st grade is in the lead by maybe one or two slips!

The 4th-6th competition is moving a bit more slowly...I think all three grades are started on the second "P" of popcorn. A little encouragement from home never your child learn respectful behaviors by commenting anytime you notice them do anything respectful...from saying thank you to going above and beyond. I continue to encourage them here as well! Thanks for your support!

Cyber Safety Presentation Postponed

Okay...I guess I got ahead of myself by posting the date so quickly...we are postponing this until further notice. With Friday off, we felt that this may be a bit to short notice to get everything ready to go since I am only at the school on Wed. and Fri. Please stay posted for the new scheduled date. Sorry for the confusion!

BEWARE...Possible SAT Scam!

I received a message about a possible scam regarding testing prep materials for the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test). From what I understand, a caller claiming to be with SAT is contacting parents stating that they have useful information which will help their child score higher on the SAT. They ask for $129.00 to provide you with the information. The actual provider of the SAT materials is The College Board not SAT...and, most students in the midwest will use the ACT (American College Test) for college admissions rather than the SAT. Please, DON'T be scammed!

If you are interested in test prep materials, please contact me and I will provide you with contact and ordering information. Please be careful and suspisious of these sorts of calls.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cyber Safety Awareness Week

We have finally set a date for our Cyber Safety Presentation which will be the kick off for a week of cyber safety awareness activities. On Monday March 21st we will have our middle & high school presentation starting at 12:30 pm. Issues that will be covered are cyber-bullying, online predators, online reputation & ID theft, sexting, and texting while driving. Following the presentation there will be breakout sessions that students will participate in to help them better understand the various issues, consequences of the decisions they make when using cyber technologies, and learn how they can keep themselves safe.

Parents and community members are welcome to attend the 12:30 presentation. This is a GREAT opportunity for you to learn a lot about the dangers and safety measures you can take to help keep your children and family safe in a cyber dependent world. If your schedule allows, I encourage you to consider attending this presentation!

Throughout the week there will be a competition in which grades 7-12 will compete to see which class can become the most "Cyber Wise" and possibly a poster or door decorating contest to be judged that Friday.

There will be some presentations in the elementary that day as well. Specifics of those presentations will be available soon and will be posted as soon as it is decided.

Please contact Mr. Engen or myself if you have questions or concerns about this awareness week.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Respect is "Popping Up" at Gackle-Streeter Elementary

The Elementary classes are competing to see who can earn a popcorn party first by being "caught being respectful" by teachers and faculty. Students/groups of students/entire classes can earn a respect slip by doing something respectful and being "caught in the act". As of Friday, March 4th, 3rd graders were ahead by 1 for the 1st-3rd competition and 6th graders were ahead by about 5 for the 4th-6th competition Ask your child more about their popcorn competition and what they are learning about being respectful.

R-COOL-Health Acadamy for Grades 6-8

The University of North Dakota Rural Collaborative Opportunities for Occupational Learning in Health (R-COOL-Health) Scrubs Academy is a new three day/three night camp that will be held on the University of North Dakota campus from June 19-22, 2011.  It is open to ND students in grades 6-8.

The Scrubs Academy will focus on encouraging middle school students from all across ND to pursue a career in  health care. Students will take part in the following activities:
  • Hands-on activities and information provide by health professionals
  • Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Training
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Training
More information about the R-COOL-Health Scrubs Academy, including and agenda for the 3 days and the application form, may be found at